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How can we reconnect Life
with its Sacred Source?
By Angela Fischer
From a transcript of a talk given at the seminar „Feminine Mysticism“, July 2015 (excerpt)
From joy all beings have come.
In joy all beings are sustained.
To joy all beings return.
This is the highest teaching.
This is the highest teaching.
—The Upanishads
„I woke up this morning and felt joy. Just joy. Not for some reason, not dramatic, not ecstatic, not loud. It was silent, and full of light. This is life, just life.
Joy is the essential quality of life; joy belongs to life – even though life is full of pain and limitations, even though we experience loss, separation, death, and conflict. We tend to polarize joy and sorrow, but they belong together. There is no either – or. We can feel pain, and deep underneath there is joy. We recognize joy as soon as we feel the deeper meaning of the experience. This is the light! Then we connect the experience, we connect life, with its light.
Through living from the heart the connection is made. The heart is the place of connection. Living from the heart is also living with remembrance, with devotion and prayer.
We can inwardly pray, always, while we are harvesting, while we are eating, while we are working, while we are making love. Why don’t we do this? It could be so easy. And we could begin to reclaim the joy and the magic that is essential to life, and give it space. As you know, the Feminine holds this deep wisdom about life….“
[Photos taken at the Retreat. Above: Welcome at the dinner table of the retreat, below: Shifting the meditation room to the forest. Listening to the Earth. Praying. Feeling the connection in the heart. Being the connection.]
Watch related Video: Feminine Mysticism — Joy