with Angela Fischer
Satsang – Being Together.
A Space for Questions about Spiritual Life
February 10, 2018
1 – 6 pm
In an increasingly complex world and a time of severe ecological and humanitarian crisis, urgent questions come up of how we can live our life in such a world, and how we could contribute to possible and desirable change.
Ceaseless distractions of a Western life style that is dominated by material values, and global networking that enables us to virtually be everywhere at the same time can occupy us nonstop and does not make it easy for us to stay in a clear inner alignment – an alignment that belongs to our higher self and corresponds with our inner longing.
On this day we open a space for questions of how we can find and hold an inner thread that can lead us through the entanglement of this complex world, through the labyrinth of these difficult times.
How can I bring the note my soul is calling for into my everyday life?
Angela Fischer will give an introduction and leads the dialogue. We will have silent meditation, and we will open the space for questions and conversation. We will also include and enjoy earthly life by having tea and cake together!
February 10, 2018
1 pm – 6 pm
Location: Northern Germany
Registration closes on January 31, 2018
Contribution: optional donation
Further information for English speaking participants will be given by request:
Registration: here