“The mystery of the divine feminine speaks to us from within her creation. She is not a distant god in heaven, but a presence that is here with us, needing our response. She is the divine returning to claim her creation, the real wonder of what it means to be alive. We have forgotten her, just as we have forgotten so much of what is sacred, and yet she is always part of us. But now she needs to be known again, not just as a myth, as a spiritual image, but as something that belongs to the blood and the breath. She can awaken us to an expectancy in the air, to an ancient memory coming alive in a new way. She can help us to give birth to the divine that is within us, to the oneness that is all around us. She can help us to remember our real nature.”
—Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

Feminine Consciousness
“This consciousness gives women a unique role to play within creation. It allows us natural access to the creative darkness from which all life emerges. We can access this darkness, and work within its silence to guide life from the emptiness. We live in two worlds, helping light enter existence, wherever it is needed, and we are attentive—with great care—to all that is born.”
—Angela Fischer, from The Unknown She

“Without the feminine nothing new can be born, nothing new can come into existence—we will remain caught in the materialistic images of life that are polluting our planet and desecrating our souls. We need to return to the core of our being, to where the sacred comes into existence. And the mystical feminine holds the key to this work of redemption and Transformation.“
—Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

Feminine Transformation
“Is there a spiritual science grounded in the knowledge that transformation for women can happen in accordance with our nature as women? Yes, it exists. It is an ancient science as old as human consciousness itself. And for some women it is the way home.”
—Angela Fischer

Receptive Devotion
“If we can rediscover in ourselves the hidden beauty of this receptive devotion, if we can learn how to be still without inaction, how to ‘further life’ without willed purpose, how to serve without demanding prestige, and how to nourish without domination: then we shall be women again out of whose earth the light may shine.”
—Helen M. Luke, The Way of Woman. Awakening the Perennial Feminine