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Translated excerpt from the book “Frau sein – sensibel und stark. Mit der Kraft weiblicher Spiritualität das Leben neu gestalten“ (Being a Woman – sensitive and strong. Renewing Life through Feminine Spirituality) by Angela Fischer, chapter “Dancing with Life“.
I was a hidden treasure
and I longed to be known.
Thus I created the world.
“Those of us who have been given a knowing of the sacred within ourselves and within the world have a responsibilityat this time. We may ask ourselves, ‚What can I do?‘, but the inner world primarily requires consciousness rather than action. It is the lack of an awareness of the sacred that is at the root of this crisis. Therefore we first need to bring the light of our spiritual awareness into the present predicament.“ —Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
When I was old enough to walk on my own feet with my mother outside our home, she began teaching me to say a prayer in my heart each time we came across a pregnant woman. A prayer for a good birth and for the well being of the child and the mother. So quite early, from the particular way by which my mother passed on a certain understanding to me, a deep respect began growing inside me, an attitude of awe before every woman who was pregnant, no matter if I knew her or not. I felt that there was something intensely sacred permeating her, and at the same time I sensed that the grace of God was needed to make it happen, needed to really manifest what is sacred. That is why prayer was important for me.
Women with their round bellies were radiating a certain light that already in my childlike perception gave them the appearance of being infinitely vulnerable and delicate and at the same time being conspired in a secret bond with God. But only few years later did I become confused, because for other people these women were „in other circumstances“ (literally translated German expression of „being expecting“) – something that in those times and in the culture in which I grew up was only mentioned covertly. Why was the source of life something that people did not talk about – or only in a rather complicated way (via „circumstances“), somehting that one was noticing or watching only abashedly from the corner of an eye? Why didn’t they celebrate this, and why did those women sometimes look so sad? Yes, it seemed to be a mystery, yet so full of life and promise – and so palpable.
I felt a silent bond with my mother that went beyond the mother-child relationship. We shared a wisdom that, despite the seemingly few members in this alliance, undoubtedly was real and authentic. We had direct access to something absolutely holy, to life itself! Somehow I knew that I was taking part in the magic of creation, I sensed a familiarity with the enchantment connected to the possibility of a child coming into the physical world.
Every child remembers in a certain way, where it comes from. The knowledge, the perspective that we enter this world from a different world, a world of light and that this physical world is not the only one that exists is not uncommon for children. However, beyond this kind of remembrance my eyes had been opened for the simple but forgotten truth that life is a feminine mystery, in which women participate in a particular way. They are the ones who know about the mystery and who live it.
Women know about the light that pervades all of matter and penetrates it from within.(*) They have it in their blood, even when they are cut off from a consciousness that embraces the wisdom of the oneness of life. They know how the light in matter communicates with all that is created. They know about the interconnectedness and the interrelatedness within all of life. Deep in her innermost a woman has the knowledge of the real language, the dance of life and its wholeness.
Now is the time we can give back to life the music to which it wants to awaken and to dance again. If women give back the wisdom of oneness that they carry within the cells of their body to the whole consciousness of creation, life can heal again, can begin to sing again. We will recognize again how to dance with life rather than fighting against it.
The energy of life flows through a net of infinite connections of infinite number, and human beings can get in contact to these connections and affect them so that the life energy is able to flow freely, and every part of the whole can be reached through this web of energy.
If we give back to life the consciousness of oneness and if this consciousness reveals itself through the living web within creation, life itself can unfold its inert wisdom and its healing powers. Women carry within themselves the instinctual knowledge of this web, of the interconnected relationships within life, of the oneness of spirit and matter. They are the ones who can make a vital contribution so that a new era can unfold in the consciousness of humanity and our world can regain a new balance.
What has been violated in the feminine has also been violated in life. Both of them can heal, they heal together, and women are at the centre of a certain work, to which everyone can contribute through the power of consciousness.
Women are able to remember, women are allowed to remember. The world is calling for this. But they need to do it on their own, no one else can do it for them. They need courage and confidence which they will find in their own hearts in order to detach themselves from old patterns; courage to leave the refuges, the valleys of tears and the battle fields of competition and self-assertion. Real liberation for women is the liberation from a haze that has enclosed them for such a long time, has locked them up and separated them from the light of the feminine in creation. To step back into this clear light, to remember again and to be upright and carry the dignity of the feminine is a big step in the contribution that women offer for the healing of the world.
If women remember again the magic of life and the secrets of the divine feminine, they begin to bring this consciousness wherever they go, wherever they stay. We reflect this light. We can live it alone in sielende, inwardly, and we can carry it out, weaving it into our daily work, be it in our professions or in our families. The most important step, however, is to reconnect ourselves with this light. All those feminine qualities like caring, creativity, being in relationship, interconnectedness with the earth will automatically unfold, when a woman physically and spiritually reconnects herself with her potential by remembering the divine in herself and in creation.
Although every single woman needs to find this wisdom in herself, it is very helpful to seek out a common feminine space. This can happen in the inner as well as in the outer realms. The feminine in us also knows that inner and outer are not really separate, they belong to the same reality. Life is dancing between both spaces, and it needs both spaces.
There is an inner net of connections between all women, through which the feminine wisdom flows, a wisdom that is so much desired by life itself. Women can learn again to be with this inner net und to tune into its inherent constant flow.
Yet this is only possible if women break down the artificially dividing walls that they have accepted or even built to stand between them and other women. Only if women leave behind rivalry and competition – which is more coherent with the masculine, yet for women, rather based on the adaptation to the masculine, can take on a very destructive quality when combined with feminine power – only if they leave behind this attitude, can they find access again to the inner streams of energy that flow between women.
‚Dancing with Life‘ is an excerpt from the book: „Frau sein – sensibel und stark. Mit der Kraft weiblicher Spiritualität das Leben neu gestalten“ , Chapter: Der Tanz mit dem Leben, in German. (Copyright Crotona Verlag, Germany)
This is a private translation.
(*) The inner light of the feminine, her wisdom and connection with the light in creation, is not dependant on actually giving birth. All women carry it within, no matter if they physically give birth or not.