with Angela Fischer und Shania Renate Racky
The Inner Light of Motherhood:
Pregnancy, Birth and Being a Mother
June 10 – 11, 2017
Saturday 1 pm – 6 pm and Sunday 10 am – 2 pm
We invite you to take part in a seminar on feminine power
and the spiritual path of pregnancy, birth and being a mother.
And we want to ask ourselves what this energy, extending beyond ourselves,
has to do with the well-being of our world.
We shall address the deeper dimensions of feminine energy and the feminine quality of receptivity that find their expression in our fertility, in becoming and being a mother. In our world, the sacred inherent in the feminine is only being kept barely alive, and many women experience a certain confusion and uncertainty in relation to the meaning of the maternal. For this reason, we find it important for us to be able to reconnect – as mothers too – with the original light of the feminine.
Our western, masculine-oriented culture offers women few spaces or support for coming into contact with the profound experience of pregnancy, birth and the joys as well as the challenges of being a mother. But it is precisely in this context that we can connect with the dignity, light and potential that we as women would be able to live in the world, and moreover with which we can serve the whole – far above and beyond physical motherhood.
The issue here is neither some societal ideal, of whatever kind, nor rebelling against it, but rather to find and strengthen our own innermost, true connection to the spiritual potential of the feminine – a potential that is calling out to be rediscovered, and that our world and the earth so urgently need.
Whom we wish to address:
Expectant mothers and women who are mothers already – women who are searching for a deeper understanding of the sacred Feminine that we as women can experience in pregnancy, birth and motherhood.
The seminar is led by
Angela Fischer – see extended Bio here
Shania Renate Racky has been a midwife for 38 years, 25 of them as a self-employed midwife. She is a music teacher, naturopathic practitioner and mother of two children, one further child through marriage and three “star children” (“Sternenkinder”). She lives in a rural setting with her family and animals.
Conception, pregnancy, miscarriage, and being a mother were and are an intense and fulfilling part of the reality of her life as a woman and midwife.